1 Years, BREED MIX: Great Pyrenees/Chow mix
APPROX. AGE: 1 1/2 years old
SIZE: Large
TEMPERAMENT & PERSONALITY: Very loyal, affectionate, head strong, and calm. Middle ranking type that loves the company of people that love him. Is good around other dogs, but really loves people. This dog is fine as the only dog. Good with kids and cats.
DOG'S NEEDS: An adopter to teach basic training such as recall. This dog doesn't run off, he stays with you, but has had no training.
BEST MATCH: Someone that is home a lot so he has company. He really loves his people and is dedicated to being with them. An adopter to take him for walks, to the dog park, and wants a true companion
FAVORITE THINGS: Feeling safe and secure. Laying next to a fire with a person who cares about him.
Visit rockymountainanimalrescue.com for details