11 Months, BREED MIX: Great Pyranees/Chow
APPROX. AGE: 10-11 months old
SIZE: Large
HISTORY/BACKGROUND: River was found homeless scrounging for food at the dump living under an abandoned house. He is now in foster care receiving one on one attention and enjoying a life in a home, with food, affective, and a comfy bed. He's a very sweet, sensitive dog.
TEMPERAMENT & PERSONALITY: River is very shy of people still, even though he has already come a long way in a short time. He was not handled as a puppy, nor raised as a teen by anyone, so he was rescued without trust for humans. He does really want the companionship though and now comes up for attention rather than hiding in the bushes. He is a bold big boy that has just learned to play with other dogs and really enjoying it.
DOG'S NEEDS: An adopter who would help Denali out of his shell, someone calm, who will take their time with River as he learns and sees new things in the world.
BEST MATCH: River enjoys playing with other dogs, so a playmate would be nice for him. A home without children probably best since Denali is just learning to be around people, and noises may him nervous. River is the type of dog that would love outdoor activities, so no couch potatoes for him! Denali has an outgoing, less submissive, personality. So an adopter that is a leader and has had dogs before.
FAVORITE THINGS: Getting scratches behind his ears, being softly spoken too, gentle pets.
Please see website rockymountainanimalrescue.com for more information and to apply.