3 Years, BREED MIX: Staffy
GENDER: Female
APPROX. AGE: Approx. 3 years old
SIZE: Medium / Large
HISTORY/BACKGROUND: Diamond was surrendered at 11 months old to the NWT SPCA. They adopted her out to a couple who split up a year later and Diamond was returned for being too strong and not easy to walk on leash and due to not being a strong leader Diamond took control of the household.
TEMPERAMENT & PERSONALITY: Friendly for the most part. Becomes protective and wary of others if allowed. A little fearful of men. Loves to go for walks. Good on leash. We would not recommend in a home with kids, cats or small dogs, since we don't know how Diamond is with them, and also, so adopter has time to spend training Diamond and setting parameters and not allowing the dog to take control of the house. Hence need experienced owner and not a push-over. Strong and confident leadership needed.
NEEDS: Diamond needs a firm and fair adopter who is experienced with dogs, is very responsible, understands how to use positive reinforcement and set rules and boundaries.
FAVORITE THINGS: Dog friendly. Loves toys.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a courtesy post, meaning, not one of our dogs. We are helping Diamond get a home. He is at the NWT Territories SPCA in Northern Alberta. Please forward in an application to us and we can forward to them for you. We also work with the shelter and adopter's to help transport to approved matches. (403) 818-0703